• metraż 200m2
  • liczba pokoi: 8
  • liczba łazienek: 4
  • Pow. działki: 3185
  • Pow. całkowita: 200
  • Liczba pokoi: 8
  • Liczba łazienek: 4
We are happy to introduce you to this unique cortijo. Located between Benamargosa and Riogordo, on the flanks of the dry river and shaded by a majestic ancient Algarrobo (carob tree). This unique property consists of 2 buildings in which 2 to 3 separate accommodations can be realised in addition to the main house.

The house is accessed via a beautiful wrought-iron gate on the level of the guest accommodation. Before driving up this access we can also drive up the riverbed, where parking spaces have been created at the bottom of the main house next to the dry river on the property.

Upon entering, we immediately notice the serene atmosphere, fresh greenery and tranquillity. We walk under the century-old Algarrobo tree and can take a left down the first flight of stairs. This leads us to the main house of this property. For the guest area, we walk through. There we can reach the first flat on the left along the pool. To the right, a path leads towards a possible third, still unfinished unit. On the pool terrace itself, an iron staircase takes us to the first floor of the building, where the second guest apartment is located.

The main house
The main house consists of 2 floors and a roof terrace.
On the ground floor, among all the greenery, there is a small terrace. From there we enter the living room where the kitchen is also located. A staircase in the corner of the room takes us to the first floor. Here there are 2 bedrooms (about 10 m2 each), an office space or third bedroom with single bed, and a 2 x 2m bathroom.
A stepladder takes us from the hall to the roof terrace, which can also be accessed from the garden. This is where the laundry room is located. From this terrace you get a very nice overview of the valley.

First flat (poolside apartment)
The poolside flat consists of a kitchen to the right and a living room to the left. Between these two areas is a staircase leading down to the bathroom. To the left of the living room we get passage to the bedroom.
At this level, a doorway can be opened back to reach the flat behind, which has yet to be finished. You could use this to provide an additional 2 bedrooms + bathroom here or make a 3rd flat out of this. The unfinished part structurally needs no more work and could also be used as an additional guest flat due to its separate entrance. This would be spacious enough for a bedroom, bathroom and living space.

Second flat (upper apartment)
From the terrace, walk up the metal stairs to the first floor. Across the entire width of the building there is a spacious sun terrace here. Here we enter the living area with kitchen, to our right is the bedroom with bathroom.

This unique property offers many possibilities for those who wish to create their own oasis here. Don't hesitate to contact us and schedule a visit!

Location - Countryside, Furniture - Furnished, Kitchen - Equipped Kitchen, Parking - Yes, Pool - Yes, Garden - Yes, Features - Palm trees, Features - Pool, Features - Private pool, Features - Terrace, Features - Air Conditioning, Features - Guest Apartment, Features - Guest House, Views - Countryside, Views - Excellent, Views - Mountains,
nr. oferty: 753925 data dodania: 10.09.2024 r. data aktualizacji: 10.09.2024 r.

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