• metraż 147m2
  • liczba pokoi: 4
  • liczba łazienek: 2
  • Pow. działki: 1083
  • Pow. całkowita: 147
  • Liczba pokoi: 4
  • Liczba łazienek: 2
This beautiful detached villa with a private pool, spacious garden and amazing sea views is located between Nerja and Frigiliana, in the popular area of Cortijos San Rafael. The villa is located on a plot of 1,038 m2
From the street there are stairs leading to the living area of the villa. Upon entering there is a spacious hall that gives access to the sun-drenched living room and open kitchen. Adjacent to the living room and kitchen is a spacious south-oriented terrace with panoramic views over the Mediterranean Sea, the beautiful swimming pool with sun terrace and the mature garden. The terrace has a brick BBQ and plenty of space to create a dining and lounge area. There is also a utility room/storage room.
On the second floor is the master bedroom with an en-suite bathroom. In addition, there are two further bedrooms and a family bathroom with a bath. All bedrooms have fitted wardrobes.
The entire house has air conditioning.
The outdoor area consists of a well-maintained garden with beautiful palm trees, a large private swimming pool and again beautiful views over the Mediterranean Sea. Under the house there is a closed garage and a separate place to park two cars.

Terrace area: 60, Location - Urbanization, Furniture - Furnished, Kitchen - Equipped Kitchen, Parking - Garage, Pool - Private, Garden - Private, Orientation - South, Features - Air Conditioning Hot/Cold, Features - Barbecue, Features - Fireplace, Features - Ceiling Fans, Features - Central Heating, Features - Insect screens, Features - Shutters, Features - Double Glazing, Features - Aluminium windows, Features - En suite bathroom, Features - Ready to move in, Features - Garage, Features - Pool, Features - Private pool, Features - Garden and Pool View, Features - Sea Views, Views - Urbanisation, Views - Distant sea, Views - Garden,
nr. oferty: 903741 data dodania: 20.09.2024 r. data aktualizacji: 20.09.2024 r.

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