• metraż 120m2
  • liczba pokoi: 4
  • liczba łazienek: 2
  • Pow. działki: 4590
  • Pow. całkowita: 120
  • Liczba pokoi: 4
  • Liczba łazienek: 2
Just a few minutes from the authentic village of Arenas, this exceptional villa is located amidst the olive-cladded hills. The property has very easy access via a fully paved drive.
Arriving at the property through an automatic gate there is a large space to park a few cars. Next to the parking area is a covered pitch with storage room.
To enter the property, you go through an open hallway with separate guest toilet and large fitted wardrobes, the perfect cloakroom. The spacious living and dining room with double-height ceiling overlooks the terrace and swimming pool. Partially separated from the living room, we enter the large kitchen. The kitchen is fully equipped including all appliances. Adjacent to the kitchen is a storage/laundry room with separate door to the outside area at the back of the house.
On the right of the kitchen there is the master bedroom. This spacious room with ensuite bathroom also overlooks the pool. A covered terrace adjoins the living room with fireplace. From this shaded terrace, you look out to the Mediterranean Sea and over the rolling hills in the distance. On the other side of this living room are the 2 guest rooms with shared bathroom. Both rooms are spacious and can accommodate a double bed.
The house is situated within a 4500m2 plot and is completely south-facing which means you can enjoy all year round from sunrise to sunset.
There is a large kidney-shaped pool with terrace and plenty of open space to put your own stamp on the garden. We are thinking of a nice outdoor kitchen, pergola with lounge.. With unique views over the surrounding land and panoramic sea views, you will just enjoy here all year round.

Terrace area: 15, Location - Countryside, Furniture - Furnished, Kitchen - Equipped Kitchen, Parking - Yes, Pool - Private, Garden - Private, Orientation - East and South, Features - Alarm System, Features - Aluminium windows, Features - Close to all Amenities, Features - Completely Equipped Kitchen, Features - Country Property, Features - Easily maintained gardens, Features - Fireplace, Features - Fitted Wardrobes, Features - Good Road Access, Features - High Ceilings, Features - Internet connection, Features - Laundry room, Features - Parking, Features - Pool, Features - Private pool, Features - Private Terrace, Features - Ready to move in, Features - Sea Views, Features - Water Deposit, Features - Well Water, Views - Countryside, Views - Mountains, Views - Sea, Views - Pool, Views - Open views,
nr. oferty: 861926 data dodania: 02.10.2024 r. data aktualizacji: 02.10.2024 r.

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