• metraż 276m2
  • liczba pokoi: 4
  • liczba łazienek: 4
  • Pow. całkowita: 276
  • Liczba pokoi: 4
  • Liczba łazienek: 4
15 brand-new contemporary design villas in La Cala Golf, offering panoramic views over the hills, the golf course including the Mijas mountains, pending on the specific unit.

PRICES €890,000 - 1,248,000 with 2 types to choose from:
Type A with 3 bedrooms + 4 bathrooms + 1 guest toilet. Total built size 303m2 including basement (net internal size 237m2) + 102m2 of terraces.
Type B with 3 bedrooms + 4 bathrooms. Total built size 276m2 (net internal 209m2) including basement + 81m2 of terraces.

PLEASE NOTE! Each villa has the option to add another 2 bedrooms against extra payment.

Each villa comes with a private infinity pool, landscaped areas and private parking for 2 cars.

EXTRAS (against additional payment) are saltwater pool, heated pool, electric cover for heated pool, roof top terrace, home cinema, bio climatic pergolas for the roof top terrace, carport. ASK US FOR DETAILS & PRICES.
STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS include aero-thermal system for air-conditioning hot & cold, under floor heating on garden level + first floor, huge 120 x 120 cm porcelain stoneware tiling, wooden floors in bedrooms, polished concrete in basement. The villas come with fully fitted open plan kitchen with Techlam Top counter tops including induction hob, extractor, oven, microwave, fridge-freezer, dishwasher + washing machine from Bosch. Also included in the standard specs are built-in wardrobes, top-quality double glazing windows & patio doors.

Plants and trees will be planted to secure each villa maximum privacy.

ABOUT LA CALA GOLF RESORT: The resort offers 3 x 18-hole competition golf courses, a hydrotherapy centre and Spa, a 4-star hotel, a golf school (La Cala Golf Academy), 24-hour security and a variety of sports facilities, all surrounded by a fantastic natural environment.
La Cala Golf has just been rewarded "Best Golf Resort - Spain" for 2024. This is a recognition of the unparalleled golf experience, world class amenities, and breathtaking surroundings.
Situated only 10 minutes away from La Cala de Mijas with fantastic beaches and all in services and facilities. In the hills some 20 minutes' drive away is the picturesque Mijas Pueblo with its well-preserved old town of narrow streets. Within the same distances are Marbella or Fuengirola. The airport is from this complex a 35 minutes' drive away.
nr. oferty: 868179 data dodania: 10.09.2024 r. data aktualizacji: 10.09.2024 r.

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